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Off-Campus Apartments for Rent in Mount Pleasant

28 Rentals Available

  1. Shared Housing
    • Availability - Woodscape


    2 Beds$1,275 /Bedroom

    5.2 miles to Medical University of South Carolina
  2. Sublet / Shared Housing
    • Bedroom - Thickett Apt

    Thickett Apt

    1900 North Highway 17, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

    1 Bed$985 /Bedroom

    6.7 miles to Medical University of South Carolina
    • Front there is room for cars to park right in front or both sides not on street - Groves gateway

    Groves gateway

    904 Cliffwood Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

    2 Beds$2,500 - $2,800

    5.3 miles to Medical University of South Carolina
  3. Sublet
    • Kitchen - The Boulevard

    The Boulevard

    1229 Jabbers Drive, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

    1 Bed$1,850

    6.8 miles to Medical University of South Carolina
  4. Shared Housing
    • Bedroom for rent - Bay Club Sea Lofts

    Bay Club Sea Lofts

    1481 Center Street Extension, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

    1 Bed$1,200 /Bedroom

    8.3 miles to Medical University of South Carolina
    • pool - One Room Efficiency

    One Room Efficiency

    271 Alexandra Dr Unit 4, Mount Pleasant, SC 29464

    Studio Bed$1,100

    4.5 miles to Medical University of South Carolina